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Laurence Simard-Gagnon

Laurence Simard-Gagnon,
research professional

Laurence Simard-Gagnon is a research professional and contributes to a research project on constituency offices and immigration services. She wascoordinator of the Chair in Global Migration Processes from September 2019 to April 2021. Her role was to support the activities and members of the Chair, as well as to develop and implement research projects. She holds a PhD in Geography from Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada. Her thesis focused on the experiences of francophone mothers who had migrated to Kingston, Ontario from elsewhere in Canada or from abroad.

In addition to her work for the Chair, Laurence works for the Collectif pour un Québec sans pauvreté. She is also a SSHRC postdoctoral researcher at the City Institute of York University, Ontario, Canada. Her research explores how to cartographically represent the mental health experiences of migrant mothers of children with special needs in Quebec City.