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Chenour Oechslin

Chenour Oechslin

Chenour Oechslin completed her bachelor’s degree in sociology at Université Laval in 2021. During her studies, she conducted a research on the migratory paths of people who have recently arrived in Quebec City and who have used community services, in collaboration with the Carrefour d’Action Interculturelle. She also works as an interpreter for the Banque d’interprètes de la Capitale-Nationale and accompanies Kurdish- and Farsi-speaking (im)migrants to various appointments.

She is beginning her master’s research under the direction of Danièle Bélanger as part of a project of the Chair. Her research project will focus on the living and working conditions of asylum seekers with a work experience in the early childhood sector in Quebec City. She will explore the ways in which migration policy and early childhood policy in Quebec are intertwined and structure the migration and professional paths of these workers with precarious status, as well as the strategies they have implemented.