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Chenour Oechslin

Chenour Oechslin, master’s degree in geographic sciences

Chenour Oechslin holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a master’s degree in geographic sciences, both from Laval University. Her dissertation, co-directed by Adèle Garnier and Danièle Bélanger, focuses on the employment integration trajectories of mothers of asylum-seeking families who have arrived in the region of Quebec City since 2017. Her research explores the ways in which regional labor market needs make the boundary between humanitarian migration and labor migration more permeable, thus creating new categories of precarious workers. Her work also highlights the forms of agency demonstrated by women in situations of forced migration. Her research interests in temporary migration in Quebec and Canada have also led her to participate in different projects of the Canada Research Chair in Global Migration Processes, notably the PARTEMP project through the completion of a MITACS Acceleration (SSHRC) research internship in collaboration with the Quebec Multiethnic Center.

Chenour completed her master’s degree thanks to scholarships awarded by the Canada Research Chair on Global Migration Processes, EDIQ and CÉLAT. She also works for the Quebec Capitale-Nationale interpreters bank and for Rebuild in Kurdish and Farsi languages for migrants.

Her master’s thesis is accessible on the website of the Laval University Library and is entitled: “Trajectoires d’insertion en emploi des femmes demandeuses d’asile dans la région de Québec”