Audiovisual Library

Chair YOUTUBE channel Conferences and interviews Featuring Danièle Bélanger Migración y precariedades: una visión global Interview with Danièle Bélanger Seminar Migración, desigualdad y políticas públicas, 2019 Dynamiques migratoires mondiales. Une réflexion sur la diffusion de la documentation Meeting with Danièle Bélanger Laboratoire de recherche sur les pratiques audiovisuelles documentaires (Labdoc), 2018 Migration status and income …


To make them easier to consult, the publications have been grouped into 3 categories: Chair reports Danièle Bélanger’s publications Adèle Garnier’s publications

Research Projects

The Canada Research Chair in Global Migration Processes conducts a variety of innovative research projects in partnership with community organizations, public agencies, research institutes and universities around the world. We present here the major projects of the Chair and the resulting achievements. The New Face of Migration Management in Canada: Digitalisation, Automation and AI Recruitment …