
Witnessing Exile

In 2015-16, Europe was the destination of nearly one million refugees, the majority of whom traveled the historic route of the Balkans in order to reach Germany. Witnessing Exile captures with simplicity and authenticity the trace left by this exodus among those who have witnessed it along the way. Danièle Bélanger went to meet them on one of these roads. The film presents intimate testimonies and powerful analyses of people whose lives were transformed by this major event in the world’s migratory history.




Film directed by Danièle Bélanger
Assistance to the realization: Annaelle Piva
Editing: Anne Gabrielle Lebrun Harpin
Sound editing: Chantal Dumas
Photos: Georgios Katsagelos and Michel Huneault

2019, 60 minutes


Would you like to screen Witnessing Exile in your school, college, university, organization or workplace?  Write to us.

If you wish to screen Witnessing Exile in the presence of the director Danièle Bélanger, or with the participation of one of the Canada Research Chair in Global Migration Processes affiliate researchers at your school, university, organization or workplace? Here are the options available to you:


  • Introduction to the process that led to the making of the film.
  • Film projection.
  • Conclusion and question period.


Conference with live narration during the projection.

  • 60 minutes + question period (for schools).
  • Length of 90 minutes with the possibility of a break and a question period.
  • Length of 90 minutes with presentation in a classroom environment of excerpts from the documentary and the interactive map followed by a question period.

To organize a screening:

Interactive Map

A narrative mapping applications describe the journey of migrants through the Balkans.

See the interactive Map >